"Stay Home, Save Lives"
Acrylic Paint, Acrylic Paint Pens, Tree Stump
Aprox. 24 in x 26 in x 4 in
For this project, we were asked to create a sculpture in nature. We were meant to utilize the pieces to convey a message through our art piece. Our professor also thought it would be good for us to get outside for a bit. During the time, Seattle had just gone into the first lockdown due to the covid-19 global pandemic. This tree stump is located outside of my old house in the Capitol Hill neighborhood and was seen by many locals. It was meant to remind everyone why they were supposed to stay home during the time, knowing many were dealing with disconnect, mental health issues, and anxiety due to the isolation. 
Artwork #17
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
11 in x 8.5 in x o in​​​​​​​
This Project was focused on manipulation of images or objects to convey a message using multiples of one or more things. I chose a facemask as my object to depict the ongoing global pandemic and the severity of Covid-19, physically and mentally.
Artwork #18
"A Reminder for the Movement"
Fabric, Sharpie, Thread
Previously Located at CHOP/CHAZ in Capitol Hill (Seattle, WA)
(exclusively featured in "USA Today" & "I Cry" by Usher Music Video
5 ft x 7 ft x 0 ft
This was the final project for this course. The goal was to create a sculpture piece that was meant to exist in a certain environment. At the time, CHOP/CHAZ came to life in Capitol Hill (Seattle, WA). As an avid on foot protestor and someone who is drawn to social justice, I wanted to create something for the BLM Movement and speak to the issue of police brutality in our country. The piece was displayed in cal Anderson park for several weeks up until the police raid that ultimately shut down CHOP/CHAZ. Unfortunately, all the art was confiscated by Mayor Jenny Durkan and was never returned.

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